ショートカットは "C:\Diablo II - org\Diablo II.exe" -3dfx -w で問題なし。
scale=1 # range 1-3, an integer scale factor for the window
position=[-1,-1] # if [-1,-1] the window will be centered, otherwise placed at the explicit position given here
frameless=false # if true, the window frame (caption bar etc) will be removed
# size=[-1,-1] # if [-1,-1] d2dx will decide a suitable game size, otherwise will use the size given here
# size = [1068,600]
size = [1366,768]
filtering=2 # if 0, will use high quality filtering (sharp, more pixelated)
# 1, will use bilinear filtering (blurry)
# 2, will use catmull-rom filtering (higher quality than bilinear)
Even with the familiar “fps fix” applied to Diablo II, the internal game logic only ticks at 25 fps. Rendering at e.g. 120fps won’t give a smoother experience normally. D2DX now has a new feature that predicts unit positions between logic updates, resulting in actual high fps rendering. (As far as I’m aware this has never been done before with Diablo II.)